Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0728, 22 Sep 14

Moore Invades Personal Space of Protester

Who does this?

It’s just odd behavior. Moore is mugging for the camera and clearly wanted video of her embracing the protester whether the protester wanted it or not. Also notice how she speaks to the camera and not to the protester.

Like I said… it’s just… odd.


0728, 22 September 2014


  1. Hello

    When did you come back?

  2. Owen

    About three weeks ago.

  3. Hello


    I just happened to click an old bookmark on accident.

  4. Kevin Scheunemann

    Gwen Moore is a bully.

    She came in and intimidated this protestor into submission.

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