Ope. Big ope. Honest ope, but yuge one. Hats off to Weber for the quick, direct, and full apology.
Jay Weber, a talk show host on WISN-Milwaukee, was slammed online after he called 17-year-old Gus Walz a ‘blubbering b**** boy’ for his emotional reaction to his father’s speech at the Democratic National Convention.
In a now-deleted tweet, Weber wrote: ‘Sorry, but this is embarrassing for both father and son. If the Walzs represent today’s American man, this country is screwed; ‘Meet my son, Gus. He’s a blubbering b**** boy. His mother and I are very proud.’
[…]The comment came after Gus, who is neurodivergent, has ADHD, an anxiety disorder, and a non-verbal learning disorder, was seen tearfully exclaiming, ‘That’s my dad,’ during Governor Walz’s speech.
His emotional support of his father had many quick to call it ‘cringe-worthy’ before realizing the extent of his disabilities.
Weber quickly backtracked, after learning of the teen’s disorders.
‘I didn’t realize the kid was disabled, and have taken the post down,’ he wrote in a follow-up tweet.
In a longer apology posted Friday morning on X, Weber wrote: ‘This is a fuller apology for something stupid and hurtful I said yesterday. I said it without thinking or having the facts. No excuses. Having been a teacher, I’ve had a standard of never involving children, I broke that and I’m disappointed with myself.’
“Unfortunate”??? Wow, that is one way to play it down. The dude made a completely ignorant and gross comment about a KID. Regardless of his age, it was an awful comment. THEN he found out about the issues that the son has and now has to backtrack and apologize. He is apologizing because the kid has a disorder, not because he doesn’t believe what he said or the kids age.
Jay Weber is a loser, and an awful human being.
I strongly believe kids are off limits at any age unless they put themselves in the political arena.
Yah, but Weber didn’t yank the kid’s arm out of its socket for getting the back-ups on stage.
For a guy who makes his living choosing his words carefully, he sure stepped in that one. Leave it at an apology and move on.
Leave it at an apology? Leave it at an apology!?! HOW DARE YOU!
Just because Dems are now the Party of bias, racism and bigotry (not to mention voter suppression and fraud) doesn’t mean any conservative or Republican can get away with a mere apology for saying something so heinous.
WHIP UP THE MASSES! March ‘peacefully’, demonstrate, riot if we have to until Jay Weber is fired! TWICE!!!
(Or just until we are elected, if you don’t mind)
T, there will be some calling for his head. Personally, I think that the apology is kinda BS, but whatever. He never really apologized TO the Walz family, just said he was sorry he said it.
It is in the radio stations hands and we will see if there are ANY companies that no longer want to advertise with him over this. That is where the pressure should come from IMO. I doubt that will happen, but I don’t think this is a fireable offense. Suspend him for a week like they did to Ted Perry a few years ago.
Doesn’t change that he is a horrible person who attacked a politicians kid, and would NOT have backed off if the kid hadn’t been neurodivergent.
….he is a horrible person who attacked
a politicianshis own kid…Fixed it for you. I knew eventually you’d get around to addressing Walz.
Weber’s error didn’t occur on WISN’s air.
Why would his employer get involved at all?
Dad29, you REALLY seem to be hung up on some minor tug that Walz did with his son to signal and direct him to move a specific direction. WOW. You really need to dig DEEEEEEEEP to find crap like that. Amazing and sad for you.
Merlin, like it or not, public figures are ALWAYS representing their company. Athletes, CEOs, Actors, etc. Right or wrong, it is how public life is. Ted Perry made a joke about Mitch McConnel years ago and was suspended for a week. Athletes have made ignorant public statements on their own social media and been reprimanded. When you constantly speak to the public on behalf of your employer, the line is very blurry as to when you speak on behalf of them or not.
And in the liberal world no non-liberal can just make a mistake and apologize today. Paying, preferably with blood, firing, and life ruination is preferred.
Fortunately, even the lib masses are ready to give a break to a non-liberal, as the kettle would be the darkest black at present and the hypocrisy may even be noticeable to liberals, believe it or not.
JV we have a very different idea of what horrible is. A nasty comment about a politically related individual? I have not seen a kind or even civil comment concerning a Republican by any liberal for so long that your opinion on it means virtually nothing to me. Lib ads are virtually nothing but lies about their aims and ad hominem lies towards Trump. If libs were religious, they would have skipped right over Hitler and been calling him the anti-Christ. Trump is going to give tax breaks to billionaires and corporations? With the significant majority of oil and big pharma money, for example, going into Dem coffers? Libs are truly either stupid or programmed to believe a single angle on every issue, regardless of what their eyes see, their ears hear or how the lightness of their wallet feels in their pockets/purses. So should I abandon the programming belief and just go with stupid? Would that make you feel better?
Even with life long libs endorsing Trump, the media line is still that KH is a heroine, tough lady, going to bat for the middle class as if her Socialist values are not specifically aimed at destroying it…with proof literally sitting there for anyone to see.
I would agree that children should be off limits in general, until they are put in the spot light for any reason. Hunter had is penis in his hand and his fingers up his butt for a decade or more, he deserved way more than he will get as far as bad press and unkind words (and time in the clink). The media did not need to spend as much camera time as they did on the boy. As far as I am concerned they opened that door. The press’ need to showcase that portion of the event should also be faulted then. If Weber should be punished in any way, every lib and most Reps need the same punishment. Partisan media should all lose their constitutional rights as they have responsibilities to print/air the truth and they no longer do it. Rights have responsibilities, but libs don’t seem to believe that anymore. They either just want to take them away from everyone and/or give them to non-citizens, and/or change interpretations of them to fit liberal beliefs. Kinda lost the meaning of inalienable. I am not worried though, libs will officially adjust that definition when they see fit.
T, absolutely not. The kid went to a celebration for his father. OFF LIMITS. Just like if Baron Trump went, he is OFF LIMITS. There was no problem showing him celebrating his dad and being proud. When he CHOOSES to step into the public limelight, is when I am ok criticizing someone. Just because the media shows him doesn’t make him open to the attacks. Guess what, the media showed Trump’s grandkids too and him interacting with them, are they open game to attack? No. Don’t condone disgusting things, and call them out when you see them.
Again, if you think that KH is a socialist looking to destroy America… you are delusional and totally bias. Maybe you are “radicalized” by all the crappy media you consume. I don’t think Trump is a Racist Nazi trying to destroy America, I just disagree with his methods of making America a better place.
If all the media you consume shows Trump and Reps as the hero and Kamala as a socialist/communist, then you are taking in a lot of shitty inputs. Maybe think about varying up your sources a little. Maybe look for places that criticize the person you support to try and see more sides. Or not! Just continue to wallow in your hatred of anyone who doesn’t agree with your view of the United States fully. Clearly YOUR opinion is the correct one, just ask you. **shrug**
Varying your sources of propaganda does not make you well rounded or even the least bit informed. It just makes you a literate within a targeted herd. Ten idiots impressed with the quality of a lie and therefore believing the lie, does not make the lie true. The propagandists are better than ever at their craft and have made truth much harder to discover, but it can still be done. Most people are just too lazy to put in the effort.
Merlin, even if everything you listen to is propaganda, it is why you try to get it from varying sides. I come here to hear locals from the right and their opinions and perspectives. I browse websites varying from mildly right leaning to far left leaning… but most in what is considered the middle. Most of the political podcasts I listen to have multiple hosts that debate each other from both sides of the spectrum.
And there is no “truth”. There are viewpoints. Most of what we talk about is opinion based. If you think that you ever “found the truth” on a subject, you are probably wrong and lost.
>I don’t think Trump is a Racist Nazi trying to destroy America, I just disagree with his methods of making America a better place.
And yet, there is nothing that the Dem Party could do to stop you voting for them. Who is deluded? RFK can state that in truth, Dems have fallen from all of their traditional beliefs over the last 50 years and that Trump is actually a more trustworthy and better candidate than the Dem Party. He can state the truth because he has heard all of the insider talk for the last 20 years. You have no idea of his methods because you have been kept in the dark on every positive thing he ever did. I don’t think much of him personally either, but he did a lot of positive things during his Presidency that you will never get to consider.
How do you explain away the 10+ million illegals that Dems let in over the last 4 years and how KH still openly declares they are not law-breakers. She says that their actions were not illegal, why would she ever actually do anything to stop the influx? Explain it, please.
How do you explain the suppressive lawyering that stopped RFK from getting in the ballot in more than 20 states and the Green Party in even more, other than that they are suppressing the vote of people who might vote for Dems now that their candidate has been cock blocked by the Party of suppression (if they can be made to disbelieve that the suppression happened). I noticed that the Trump trial had loads of coverage, but I have only even heard of RFK’s decision to endorse Trump through conservative radio that I do listen to. And you think you are not spoon fed by lib media? Incredible. Since you say you listen to multiple conservative news sources, you know about it. What is your viewpoint and why is it not even making a dent in your beliefs? Funny thing, enter RFK into your unbiased Google internet and his alleged sawing off of a whale head 30 years ago is the first thing that comes up. The lib media discarding of RFK is complete and now he must be a Rep liar and criminal, right? Additionally, now that he has endorsed Trump, he is mysteriously remaining on ballots in swing states where votes for RFK might otherwise now go to Trump. Can you explain your viewpoint on the Dem treatment of RFK?
How do you explain away a ‘tough on crime DA’ that let multiple criminals walk instead of convicting them outside of the liberal belief that prison does not seem to be a viable answer for them? What is the truth that liberals use to justify this belief? Criminal sympathy and friendship happens everywhere liberals are in the majority. Letting career criminals out to continue their profession doesn’t seem to make any sense. i understand the theory behind it, but it has since proven to be ineffective, like Socialism, can Dems back off of it or is the released criminal vote too important to ever fix a broken system?
How do you explain legalizing things like drop boxes that only help the Party that just started using them despite what the rules currently stated at their inception? A new voting rule that only helped Republicans would be getting a LOT of attention in liberal media.
How did the purposely induced inflation help the middle class? How is the recent revision of new jobs going down by a million in August rather than October when it normally would be reported, explained in any other way than Dems did it so that it could be forgotten by election time, because the entire public has been programmed to treat anything one month old as ancient history and likely false.
How does killing the tax cuts help the middle class?
Name a policy that targeted and helped the middle class that this administration has initiated. (Now this is a true viewpoint only topic, but I’d like to hear your opinion)
Why are public school standards being lowered again? Are our children exiting school too smart? Of course, there are many more questions on public education that could be asked and if you heard the actual truth from your politicians, which you never will, the answers may just shock you.
Why does every single new rule skirting constitutional separation powers help Democrats gather and keep power? Feel free to name one under Evers or Biden/Harris that did not help their cause.
Why do you believe that the charges against Trump magically became felonies in a liberal state with a partisan DA and hand picked judge? What is the ‘truth’ of it? Oh right, you believe there is no truth. Well here is an absolute truth for you. If there is no truth, that in itself would be an absolute truth(from a logic class that is no longer taught). There is truth little lib, you have just been programmed to disbelieve it to keep the Dem fantasy of absolute power in their hopes as well as dreams.
There is still truth in the world, that you have been programmed to believe that there is only viewpoint is actually just proof that the Dem machine can only spin certain lies with that caveat. When there is zero truth or proof for a Dem policy, they needed a means to convince their little dems that their ‘viewpoint’ was still valid sans any truth at all. Believe it or not, the current administration has demonstrated clear suppression against other liberal believers in order to keep their power. It is truth. You may have a different programming, er viewpoint, but there is no truth in it that I can see. Care to enlighten me on how my ‘viewpoint’ is a lie?
>How do you explain the suppressive lawyering that stopped RFK from getting in the ballot in more than 20 states and the Green Party in even more,
Or can jr explain that now the Dems are lawyers to KEEP them on the ballot in swing states. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/democrats-allies-sue-to-keep-rfk-jr-off-ballot/
Nah, dumb-dumb is blind to it all.
Cornel West is saying that Kamala has offered him a job and retirement of campaign debt if he drops out. That’s quite an offer to a less than minor player. That money would be better spent on a couple hundred thousand more mail-in ballots.
Yes. RFK is going to be on the ballot in WI and MI. It is the state statute that is keeping his name there. Personally, I don’t pay any attention to RFK because he has some insane thoughts on vaccines. Not just the COVID one, but vaccines and their links to autism which have been easily disproven for years now. There are other aspect that I agree with him on. But as for his attempt to get off the ballot… bummer for him. He fucked up. And the fact that he linked up with Trump WHILE trying to link up with the Harris administration leads me to believe that he is more concerned about getting into the administration than any sort of hard political beliefs.
T. Man… take a breath. It is really easy to demonize someone when you put words in their mouth and make broad assumptions. First of all, I won’t ONLY vote Dem. I would vote independent. I would vote Green. I would vote libertarian with the right candidate. And I have told you multiple time what it would take for me to vote Republican… I don’t see it happening with any of the candidates they have put forth in the last 20 years.
“your unbiased Google internet”??? What does that even mean. Where have I EVER claimed that Google was unbiased? I have said that they are a private company and can lean or bias any way they want. That is THEIR right. Same with any social media company. FB, Twitter, Insta, Snap, Tiktok. They are allowed to do whatever they want on their platforms. If you don’t like it, DONT USE IT.
The Biden Harris administration was READY to finish building the wall. They didn’t like it, but they COMPROMISED on that aspect of the recent immigration bill, and then the R’s decided to torpedo it to help with the Trump campaign messaging.
I am very sorry that you listen to the trash AM radio that is out there. It has clearly noodled into you gets you all riled up. I haven’t listened to any of that in close to a decade, and even then it was mostly Belling 5pm hour where I would hope he would talk local sports. The minute I could plug my ipod into my car, it has been nothing but podcasts and music for me. You couldn’t pay me to listen to AM radio.
“Name a policy that targeted and helped the middle class that this administration has initiated.”
Infrastructure ACT
Inflation Reduction Act. Basically, a green energy bill that gives ALL people cheaper and more efficient appliances and home upgrades.
Yes, they MAY end the Trump tax cuts, they may not. But why do you think that LOWER taxes are the right answer. Look at the debt, that is going to come up and bite us sooner or later. And you can’t get rid of that debt without raising taxes on people AND corporations on top of cutting spending.
Basically STOP assuming you know what other people think or believe. You project a lot of things on people and it makes it easier to dismiss and hate them… OR don’t. I honestly don’t give 2 fucks.
C’mon, man! Earl is going to be devastated to learn he can’t even pay you to listen to AM radio. He’s out there waving the flag every day, tirelessly serving his audience. Even I give Earl a listen every now and then. Some of his guests are, um, entertaining.
And you can’t get rid of that debt without raising taxes on people
The illogical mind of an inbred leftist in all its glory.
[Google] I have said that they are a private company and can lean or bias any way they want.
Yes, but a strong case can be made that they are a public utility. That may come a lot sooner than they think.
The Biden Harris administration was READY to finish building the wall. They didn’t like it, but they COMPROMISED on that aspect of the recent immigration bill,
Pretty clear that you regurgitate Democrat talking points without knowing the details. In fact, that bill–while keeping the allocation for the wall–did not come close to actually finishing the wall. Trump was never able to secure funding for the entire thing. Never–thanks to Paul Ryan and the Business Round Table/Chamber of Commerce.
Further, the bill allowed 4,500 illegal entries/day before shutting down the entry-points. (No controls over NON-guarded areas–like where the wall is not finished.)
“Add more judges”? Really? While the addition of the 375 more judges Biden wants would increase the size of the court to more than a thousand, the Congressional Research Service estimated in a July 2023 report that it would take 1,349 judges 10 years to clear the backlog, which was only 1,979,313 cases when CRS made that calculation. The backlog is more than 55 percent larger now.
The immigration court completed 671,966 cases in fiscal 2023. At that rate, it would take around five years for it to clear its 3,287,058 case backlog even if it did not receive any more new cases. See: https://thehill.com/opinion/immigration/4455506-breaking-down-the-senate-border-bill-and-why-it-has-no-chance-of-passing/
The bill was a sham. A political farce. And you swallowed the propaganda hook, line, and sinker.
>But as for his attempt to get off the ballot… bummer for him. He fucked up. And the fact that he linked up with Trump WHILE trying to link up with the Harris administration leads me to believe that he is more concerned about getting into the administration than any sort of hard political beliefs.
He fucked up? Or MUCH more accurately, he was suppressed from being on the ballot by the noisome and suppressive Democratic Party? I don’t find it odd at all that he made it on the ballot in swing states, as his reaction to be shut out of the ballot by most blue states was predictable. If he had thrown his endorsement KH’s way, I feel confident that the WEC and WI supreme court would have found a statute to reinterpret and get him off the ballot. I know that RFK denied approaching the Dem Party, but we can believe different things on that, as I am fully aware that he could be the one lying about it.
>T. Man… take a breath. It is really easy to demonize someone when you put words in their mouth and make broad assumptions. First of all, I won’t ONLY vote Dem. I would vote independent. I would vote Green.
Not in Tony Evers’ WI you won’t (unless the Indie would be more likely to take away Rep voters, which you would then not vote for). But I guess the proof is in the pudding, eh? How many non-Dems have you voted for in the last 20 years? It may have been putting words in your mouth, but yes, you have talked about it before and no, you have not actually voted non-Dem ‘recently’ that I recall you talking about when you waxed on about how you WOULD vote non-Dem if the right one came along. A name or two would help so I don’t make that ‘mistake’ again. Of course I can honestly say that I would vote for a Dem if the right one came along too, but it would be empty as the type I would vote for would not be a career politician or a novelty choice. To vote for a black person because they are black is as racist as not voting for a person because they are black. That pretty much covers all Dem choices in my voting lifetime.
But let’s gat back to the rest of the words that came from your mouth. “First of all” was actually first and last of all. I asked at least 8 ‘how’ questions and you went right to a throw away ‘truism’ about yourself to comment on. It will be no longer a truism when you list the non-Dems you have voted for in the last 20 years. Then you will prove it to be a lie by me. I just inferred what words are in your mouth from your past commentary. Yes you have said you would vote for others and then gave conditions that will not be met by any non-major Party or Reps based on your positions. If you want to claim that you would vote for another party, I believe you, but I also believe that you won’t because of the conditions that you have stated as requirements for voting non-Dem. The real kicker, though, is that faced with a bunch of questions about the Party you will vote for without question in the next election (and likely every one after this one) you spent your first answer on how I put so many words in your mouth. Not one of my questions was about you. If I had thought to say “And yet, there is nothing that the Dem Party could do to stop you voting for them THIS ELECTION.” I doubt you would have even answered my last comment. But let’s go with what else you did say.
>Where have I EVER claimed that Google was unbiased?
You have claimed that every time I have brought it up and you reacted to it, actually. And I have claimed it quite often. If you had ever actually ONLY admitted their bias with no defensive additions or comment on how crazy I was for saying so, and blamed it on being a private company, that is all I have ever said, except that in addition, the liberal world takes it for granted that Google and Wiki are generally true and does not only show pro-liberal ‘facts’ to the best of their ability. You have stated multiple times that I was crazy for saying that Google and Wikipedia specifically were biased and refuted that all sides were not represented. Now you admit it, cool, let’s move on.
>The Biden Harris administration was READY to finish building the wall.
3.5 years later, in the election year after 11 million people already entered and were given sanctuary paid for by the middle and upper class taxes, they were willing to pass a compromise bill that, among other things would not have had any actual effect before 2025, which means not one bit of it would have needed to be implemented if they won the election. Will the same Dems vote for it in 2025 if Trump is elected? Almost certainly, not a single one. They did it to try and take credit for their greatest failure of the last 4 years with the single goal of swaying voters to a false conclusion. Why would a President actually implement laws against people who she thinks are doing nothing wrong?
>Infrastructure ACT
Inflation Reduction Act. Basically, a green energy bill that gives ALL people cheaper and more efficient appliances and home upgrades.
The infrastructure act is relatively well meaning and the US Gov’t reports gloat about how funds go pretty equally to all States whether red or blue, but if you use DuckDuckGo, you will see that (as all that money goes through Evers rather than the State) over 68% of the WI projects have been awarded to Milwaukee and Madison. And if you drill down, other areas that were redistricted and are now light blue over 82% are allocated to blue areas of the State. Overall, however, I think I will give you that one as the actual projects with accepted grants are generally worthy of consideration and nothing can come from DC without its partisanship whether dem or rep. And note, the one that has some value was bi-partisan. Dem ads that take credit for anti-fentanyl laws do show that bi-partisan word in their banner, but Baldwin and KH take TV credit for it as if it was some great fight that they won. Even as a flood of illegals still carry that shit over the border with continuing impunity.
The inflation reduction act, however, makes energy and transportation more expensive, not less. If fully implemented it will be greener, but at the expense of the middle class, not for any savings to them. You can argue the forced greening of America is good for them, but not that it makes anything cheaper, it is the opposite.
>Yes, they MAY end the Trump tax cuts, they may not.
Not according to Harris’ plan. The Trump tax cuts WILL expire because they give too big of cuts to the wealthy as well so they need to go (there is merit in that). The only thing she has said publicly about it since she became the nominee is: “I will fight to give money back to working- and middle-class Americans,”. Now if she somehow offered a new plan that kept the cuts to the middle class, but not to the wealthy, I could certainly live with that. Unfortunately for both of us it doesn’t matter as Dems have never once succeeded at doing something like that and it has only been proposed by Dems when they are in the minority and failed because of it. When in power, they have repeatedly protected their wealthy friends (just as reps protect theirs), and since the millionaire and billionaire clubs are still giving significantly more to Dems than Reps I don’t believe it has a chance in hell of manifesting. What they have done is pushed through huge budget cost projects like the above or the unaffordable care act. The Dems have been the enemy of the middle class as long as I have voted. Again you should be asking yourself, why would they help out the voting blocks of their enemies? So here again, I am sort of putting words in Dem mouths, but again, based on their actions rather than their words. It is a common technique among the thinking community. You should try it sometime. Listen to RFKs speech and tell me where he is wrong instead of dismissing him entirely like the rest of the lib world. Defend the current Dem Party against his words. I know you won’t, you will probably delve deeper into his personal positions on vaccines again instead.
>But why do you think that LOWER taxes are the right answer.
I don’t, but since we agree that neither Party will cut spending, I think anyone would prefer to be the recipient of a break rather than the primary bearer of a new tax hike. Middle class cuts have only come from Reps in the last 50+ years. And still my principles and beliefs lead me away from my own self-interest towards an Independent Party that would try to actually balance a budget to the cost of all, largely through Government and benefit/service cuts. You agree with one of the lying crooked Parties, even though you agree neither will change their spending habits and all are liars. The only logical conclusion is to not vote for either Party, yet you all continue to fight for the table scraps rather than meaningful change. I have always thought that the budget and rabid spending was the number one issue in politics, but they have you fighting so hard over red herrings that the budget is generally not even a serious issue by Dems or Reps during elections unless one of them recently fucked it up. In a thinking population, incumbency should be at 2% rather than 98% if you believe that politicians are all lying and self interested or even if you just think they are lying and lazy.
>Basically STOP assuming you know what other people think or believe. You project a lot of things on people and it makes it easier to dismiss and hate them… OR don’t. I honestly don’t give 2 fucks.
You harped on that a couple of times, even though the only thing I ‘assumed’ was your voting track record. If your next comment doesn’t include a list of non-Dems you have voted for (at least the seat openings if you can’t remember names) I will again assume that you don’t want to talk about it as I think it proves my point rather than yours, but proving me wrong would give me more hope than less, so go for it. A nice long list of my assumptions from above would be appreciated in your disagreement as well. The capitol lettered STOP certainly seems to show I made a lot more of them than I see. Care to catalog?
To conclude, I have not been assuming anything about what other people think. I simply judge my words about them based on their actions rather than their words. Actions are the true aims of politicians, rarely their words. You agreed with me on that very recently, I believe, but you have only ever judged Dems by their words (not to mention that you also judge Reps on Dem words) as far as I can remember. I’ll see your 2 fucks and raise you 3 raspberries:).
A little more on the “Tammy/Kammy” Wall: enough to make you wail.
Trump estimates that it will take $18 billion to complete the project. The compromise bill only authorizes $650 million, which only amounts to a 3.6% down payment on the full wall. At an estimated $46 million per mile, that appropriation would add a grand total of 14 miles of barrier on the southern border. That border stretches for over 700 miles, meaning that this allocation would have covered a grand total of 2% of the problem.
Surely you have “Fact” (or Opinion) which differs, and you will provide documentation, JonnyV.