Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2026, 11 Nov 20

New York Locks Down Again

I see very little correlation between lockdowns and spikes in cases of Rona. Perhaps one could have excused the shutdowns in the beginning when people were grasping for answers, but we’ve been at this for eight months and have a lot of data. Locking down is the wrong prescription. All we are doing is compounding poverty, food insecurity, housing insecurity, and mental health issues and we aren’t getting anything in return.

New York has introduced new restrictions aimed at curbing coronavirus, with Mayor Bill de Blasio warning it was the city’s “last chance” to stop a second wave.

Bars, restaurants and gyms must close by 22:00 and people can only meet in groups of 10 or less


2026, 11 November 2020


  1. Mar

    Stupidity of liberals.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    Liberals love their authoritarianism.

    No surprise. They are emboldened because they threw the freedom living president out.

    Crickets from our local libs.

  3. Tuerqas

    Keeping the poor subsistent, Dems have to keep their voting block solid every way they can.

  4. steveegg

    Never let a crisis go to waste.  The incoming Harris administration is going to try to do a national 4-6 week shutdown starting in late January.

  5. dad29

    JPMorgan published a study indicating that lockdowns really don’t make a big difference.  Sidelight:  they actually bring ‘peak infection’ forward.

  6. Jason

    >The incoming Harris administration is going to try to do a national 4-6 week shutdown starting in late January.

    You mean like when Trump said he was thinking about exploring some federal lockdowns and controls, and Cuomo , other D State “leaders”, and the liberal press all had aneurysms over?


  7. steveegg

    Precisely, Jason, only the uniforms of those for and those against said shutdown will have changed.

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